Not All good? Digital Story
Poverty is still an important subject for our community, since it affects more than 10% of our inhabitants. It is the topic of our new exhibition “Not All Good? Being Poor in Southern Norway”.
Poverty is still an important subject for our community, since it affects more than 10% of our inhabitants. It is the topic of our new exhibition “Not All Good? Being Poor in Southern Norway”.
Samtale mellom mann og kvinne: «Alle har noe å gi, alle er elsket og har verdighet selv om man lever for lite penger».
Fattigdom har alltid vært et problem som samfunnet har forsøkt å løse på ulike vis til forskjellige tider. Her kan du lese litt om hvordan man har arbeidet med saken på Agder, helt siden Kristiansand bys grunnleggelse i 1641.
I Vest-Agder-museets publikasjon «… at maatte erholde en liden Hjelp.» Fattige og fattigvesenet på Agder fra 1786 til 1920 finner man seks artikler, av seks forfattere. Alle omhandler temaet fattigdom – på hver sin måte. En av dem er Rokken, som tar utgangspunkt i nær familiehistorie.
Vest-Agder-museet har i nærmere ett år arbeidet med et svært tabubelagt tema: fattigdom.
The municipalities offer various benefits and programs to help low income families cope with everyday life. Below, we have gathered information from a few municipalities, from east to west.
This is a story about my great-great-grandmother Maria, my great-grandfather Bernt Elias, and my maternal grandmother Magda. Mostly, it is about not knowing one’s family history, and about starting to untangle a few threads in it.
Already in the Middle Ages there were laws that assigned responsibilities for poor people, within families as well as for the local community.
Man, 29, asylum seeker: «I started school when I was about 10, but I could not attend a regular school because I had to work during the day to earn some money to give to my mother, to buy food and clothes, pay the house rent and other expenses.»
Single mother, 28: «Singel I saw this link on Facebook, and I don’t really know if it’s right for me describe myself as poor. I’m 28 years old, and a single mother of a seven-year-old boy. Things are very hard for me, and they have been for a while.«